vineri, 14 iunie 2013

Miley Cyrus covers Billboard magazine

Miley Cyrus Covers 'Billboard' After Parent's Divorce News
Miley Cyrus shows off some skin on the cover of Billboard magazine’s latest issue.
On not liking her older music: “Right now, when people go to iTunes and listen to my old music, it’s so irritating to me because I can’t just erase that stuff and start over. My last record [2009's EDM-inflected Can't Be Tamed] I feel so disconnected from-I was 16 or 17 when I made it. When you’re in your 20s, you just don’t really know that person anymore.”
On “We Can’t Stop”: “I didn’t make this song for the critics, but for the people living it. I’m 20 years old and I want to talk to the people that are up all night with their friends. It’s based on a true story of a crazy night I had: When I heard the song for the first time, it captured exactly what I was living.”
On her work ethic: “I never stop working, ever-I put my track list together this morning. I want my record to be the biggest record in the world, and I’ve given everything to get here, even down to friends and family and relationships-I’ve just put this music first. That’s been kind of a trip: It’s not like I’m losing who I am-I actually found out more about who I am by making this music. I’m going on a journey, and that’s more than a lot of 20-year-olds can say. And I’m still going to change so much. Because I’m not the same person I was six months ago-I’m not even the same person I was two weeks ago.”

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