joi, 27 iunie 2013

EXO Gets Tangled in the MCs’ Traps on ‘The Beatles Code

The MCs on Mnet’s The Beatles Code are known to have some of the sharpest tongues ever and rookie group EXO braced itself as it entered the yellow submarine.
On June 24, Mnet’s The Beatles Code released the following week’s teaser with Ivy and EXO as the guests. 

As Ivy is just as fearless as the MCs, she appeared confident in the preview, but the young innocent wolf cubs seemed to slightly panic as they stood face to face with Tak Jae Hoon, Super Junior’s Shindong, Jang Dong Min, and Yoo Sang Moo. 

At one point in the teaser, Tae Jae Hoon asked Lu Han if he had a girlfriend and the video cut to Lu Han blanking out and hesitating, making Tae Jae Hoon jokingly remarked, “He’s caught really well.”

Will the EXO members make it out alive? Make sure to catch the episode on July 1. 


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