sâmbătă, 1 iunie 2013

2PM's Taecyeon Uses “Manner Legs” in a Candid Photo With Kim Ji Min

Kim Ji Min and 2PM member Taecyeon recently took a candid photo together, where Taecyeon could be seen using “manner legs.”
On May 30, Kim Ji Min shared the photo on her me2day account with the caption, “The King of ‘manner legs’! See you later at ‘Full House‘~^^”
In the photo, Taecyeon has his arm around Kim Ji Min’s shoulders in a cordial manner while spreading his legs out until they could stand shoulder-to-shoulder at the same height. Tall male celebrities have been recently recognized by netizens for adjusting their height to accommodate shorter friends and staff. Shinhwa member Jun Jin was also recently commended for his use of “manner legs.”
Netizens who saw the photo commented, “Taecyeon is such a well-mannered guy”, “It’s a little awkward to see Taecyeon using ‘manner legs’” and “You two look adorable.”
In related news, Kim Ji Min and Taecyeon will be making guest appearances on KBS 2TV’s “Full House” on May 31. 


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