vineri, 19 aprilie 2013

B.A.P’s Himchan Turns 23

B.A.P′s powerful member Himchan is another year stronger as he celebrates his 23rd birthday today!
A little past midnight on April 19, Himchan tweeted a selca post-caking, with the message, “Even though I am always lacking, thank you so much for allowing me to have such a big birthday. I’m embarrassed because I’m not used to birthdays haha. I really love you. And the members got caught trying to throw me a surprise birthday party!”
Fellow member Youngjae tweeted a special message as well, writing “Himchan hyung is next to me right now, and it’s his birthday~! The start to a great day ㅎ Happy birthday ㅋㅋ Himchan-ssi.”

Happy birthday Himchan!


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